Statistical Yearbook of Wrocław City 2023

Date of publication: | 29.12.2023 |
I am pleased to present the latest edition of the Statistical Yearbook of Wrocław 2023, published since 1996, in the Polish-English language version. This year’s edition, similarly to the previous ones, serves as a compendium of knowledge about the society, economy, and natural environment of the capital of Lower Silesia. The most recent data presented in this edition of the Yearbook cover the period at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. To facilitate the assessment of the impact the pandemic had on the situation in Wrocław, the year 2019 has been adopted as a new reference period in the publication. Detailed information regarding social transformations and processes occurring in the city’s economy has been compiled into 20 thematic sections. Additionally, information from the results of the National Population and Housing Census 2021 is included, covering aspects such as people with disabilities. The publication includes three overview tables presenting basic information about Wrocław in the years 2000, 2010, 2015, and 2022, as well as data in comparison to the voivodeship, the country, and selected Polish cities in 2022. In the development of individual sections, results from public statistics surveys, as well as non-statistical sources, were used. Data on the employed persons in the national economy from 2022 onwards were compiled based on administrative data sources and cover the entire national economy. The provided statistical material is complemented by notes that include explanations regarding terminology, methodology, and the scope of information contained in the tables. Selected phenomena are illustrated on maps and charts. |
By: | Wrocław, wybrane informacje dla województwa i miast liczących 300 tys. i więcej mieszkańców. |