Innovation in Dolnośląskie Voivodship

Date of publication: | 12.08.2015 |
The Statistical Office in Wrocław presents the publication ”Innovation in Dolnośląskie Voivodship”, whose aim is the diagnosis of innovation, including the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the innovation potential of the Dolnośląskie Voivodship against the background of the country and other voivodships. In addition, for selected indicators, the place of the Lower Silesia voivodship among the regions of the European Union was presented. The basis for these comparisons was the report of the European Commission “Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2014”. The broadly understood innovation is now considered as one of the most important factors in smart, sustainable and knowledge-based economy. The growing importance of innovation results in an increase in the demand for statistics in this field. The study included an analysis of the three basic areas of innovation in the region: the enablers, giving the possibility of the development of innovation (e.g. human resources for science and technology, the level of public support); enterprises activities, which is characteristic for the activities of enterprises in terms of innovation, as well as outputs of innovative activity, indicating the effects of the activities of businesses in the field of innovation. In the case of industrial processing companies an attempt was made to determine the industry specialization, according to NACE sections, i.e. to indicate the leading industries in terms of innovation performance. The diagnosis of innovation of the Dolnośląskie Voivodship was drawn up on the basis of data from the three-year period of innovative activity of enterprises, i.e. from the years 2010-2012. However, the intervoivodship comparative analysis with regard to the main characteristics of innovation was developed for the years 2004-2012, i.e. since Poland entered the European Union until 2012. The publication consists of an analytical part, preceded by explanations of basic concepts and definitions, and of tabular part. The annex to the tabular part includes additional data for 2013. The selected phenomena were presented in maps and charts. |
By: | województwo, powiaty |