Budgets of the local government entities in Dolnośląskie Voivodship in 2014

Date of publication: | 18.09.2015 |
The Statistical Office in Wrocław presents the fifth edition of the publication entitled "Budgets of the local government entities in Dolnośląskie Voivodeship in 2014", which contains a wide scope of information about revenue, expenditures and financial results of the budgets of municipalities, counties, cities with county status and the voivodship. An essential part of the publication are statistical tables in .xls format, which present a set of data on the size and structure of the budgets of local government entities. The publication also contains a tabular summary of the most important data about the voivodship against the background of the country and in retrospective terms for the years 2008-2014. The publication is completed by the synthesis of research results, enriched with graphic illustrations. The entire publication was preceded by comments which contain basic concepts and definitions. Publication on sale: |
By: | municipalities, poviats, cities with poviat rights, voivodships |