- General notes
- Population using municipal system
- Water-line and sewerage systems
- Consumers and consumption of electricity in households
- House-heating
- Gas-line system, consumers and consumption of gas from gas-line system in households
- Municipal waste and liquid waste
- Balance of dwelling stocks
- Dwelling stocks by forms of owner-ship
- Dwelling stocks
- Uninhabited dwelling stocks in 2005
- Dwellings fitted with installations
- Modernization of dwelling stocks in 2005
- Repairs of residential buildings in 2005
- Sold dwellings in multi-family houses and residential buildings
- Arrears with payments for dwelling in 2005
- Dwellings used on the basic of the co-operatives ownership right in housing co-operatives’ stocks in 2005
- Dwellings completed
- Dwellings completed by number of rooms
- Building permits of new dwellings
- Building permits of new non-residential buildings and civil engineering works
- Reached purchase-sale transactions of the premises in 2005
- Reached purchase-sale transactions of the buildings in 2005 by period of the construction finish
- Reached purchase-sale transactions by kind of the building and by storey in 2005
- Reached purchase-sale ransactions of the land real estates in 2005
- Reached purchase-sale transactions of built-up real estates in 2005
Structure of dwellings by forms of owner-ship
Structure of completed dwellings
Dwellings completed
- General notes
- Education by level
- Schools by school governing authority
- Pupils and students studying foreign languages in schools for children and youth and in post-secondary schools (excluding special schools)
- Education for people with special education needs
- Special educational centres, youth education centres, youth socio-therapy centres and rehabilitation-education centres
- Level art schools for children and youth
- Personal computers in selected types of schools
- Boarding-schools and dormitories for children and youth (excluding special schools)
- Pre-primary education
- Primary schools for children and youth (excluding special schools)
- Lower secondary schools for children and youth (excluding special schools)
- General secondary schools (post-primary) for youth (excluding special schools)
- General secondary schools (upper secondary) for youth (excluding special schools)
- Speciaalized secondary schools (upper secondary schools) for youth (excluding special schools)
- Basic vocational schools for youth (excluding special schools)
- Vocational secondary (post-primary) schools for youth (excluding special schools)
- Technical secondary schools (upper secondary education) for youth (excluding special schools)
- Post-secondary schools by type education (excluding special schools)
- Post-secondary education by types of schools
- Higher education institutions
- Students of higher education institutions by study systems and types of schools
- Graduates of higher education institutions by study systems and types of schools
- Students by types of schools and educational profile
- Graduates by types of schools and educational profile
- Students and graduates of branches (in out-of-town departments, non-residence didactic centres as well as of consultation points)
- Students of non-public tertiary education
- Handicapped students
- Academic teachers in tertiary education
- Academic teachers of the higher vocationals schools
- Doctorate studies
- Post-graduate and doctorate studies by types of schools
- Foreigners - students and graduates by study systems and types of schools
- Students of higher education institutions receiving scholarships
- Student dormitories and canteens
- Schools for adults
- Pre-school education
- Pre-school education by former city districts
Education by educational level in the 2005/2006 school year
- General notes
- Medical personnel
- Employed doctors specialists
- Out-patient health care
- In-patient health cure
- General hospitals
- Pharmacies
- Blood donation
- Nurseries
- Care and education centres for children and young peaple
- Foster homes
- Stationary social welfare facilities
- Social welfare benefits
- Persons and families benefiting from social welfare by causes
Medical personnel per 10 thous. population
Medical consultation provided per capita
Population per 1 medical personnel
- General notes
- Public libraries
- Museums
- Office of Artistic Exhibitions
- Acvtivity of theatres, music institutions and entertainment enterprises
- Abroad activity of theatres, music institutions and entertainment enterprises
- Fixed cinemas
- Cultural centres and establishment as well as clubs
- Radio and television subscribers
- Collective tourist accommodation establishments
- Hotels
- Foreign tourists accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments
- Tourist trafic density
- The Polish Tourist Country-Lover’s Association
- Professional tourism
- Tourist guides by qualifications
- Sports clubs
Collection and loans of collection per 1000 population
Audience in theatres and music institutions as well as in cinemas per 1000 population
Tourists accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments
Hotels by categories
Accmmodations provided for foreign tourist in hotels by categories
- General notes
- Ascertained crimes in completed preparatory proccedings
- Rate detectability of deliquents in selected ascertained crimes
- Persons escorted into the Sobriety Room
- Interventions of Fire-Brigades
- Type of places where the fires occured
- Main fire causes
- Local fire hazards by type of object
- Selected activities of the Municipal Guard