- Population based on census data
- Population based on balances
- Population by city districts
- Population by city districts, sex and age
- Working and non-working age population by city districts
- Vital statistics
- Marriages contracted by age of the couples
- Marriages contracted by previous marital status of bridegrooms and brides
- Divorces and separations
- Divorces by age of spouses at the moment of filling a petition for divorce
- Births
- Live births by birth order and age of mother
- Female fertility and reproduction rates of population
- Deaths by sex and age of deceased
- Deaths by causes
- Infant deaths by causes
- Suicides registered by police
- Life expentancy
- Migration of population for permanent residence
- Internal migration of population for permanent residence by sex and age
- Internal migration of population for permanent residence by directions
- Migration of population for permanent residence within Wrocław
Population of Wrocław by city districts in 2022
Wrocław as compared to the voivodship by number of population in 2022
Births and deaths per 1000 population by districts Wrocław city in 2022
Natural increase per 1000 population by districts Wrocław city in 2022
Population of Wrocław in 2022
Marriages, contracted, divorces and migration of population by age and sex in 2022